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ServaisSays, Issue #045 -- MLM Lies You Need To Know About
December 31, 2016

MLM Lies You Need To Know About

When it comes to network marketing, it can be difficult to sort through MLM truth and MLM lies. Early on as a network marketer, you're taught that everyone is a prospect. We're also told that this isn't sales; anyone can do this; and we'll build this business for you.

All are simply not true. Not everyone can do this business and it most certainly is about sales. The worst part is telling people that we'll build this business for you. This is an absolute NO-NO. Some of the more dignified MLM companies will tell you not to do that.

People have to have desire to improve their lives. The same is true for building a business. It takes hard work and dedication to their craft to become very successful. Some people who follow this formula will be able to make a living from it.

You never drag anyone into your business just to build up a rep count.

All of this comes from Ann Sieg's excellent review of the business in her "7 Great Lies of Network Marketing" FREE eBook. You can download your FREE copy here.

You can go one step further and read about an 8th Lie of network marketing. It also makes a lot of sense. Here's the link to that:

As we enter a brand new year, I hope you make plans to improve your business with a Network Marketing company. Network marketing is a GREAT business and an ideal way to make a living on residual income. But, it is important to learn the truth about the business and not get caught up in the hype.

Inter-network marketing is the way to go. It is the way that I have found success in this business. It also makes a lot of sense. You can learn more about Inter-network marketing through Ann Sieg’s writings.

Good luck to you and your family in 2017.

Don Servais

Renegade Marketing System

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