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ServaisSays, Issue #015 -- Selling Services vs Selling Info Products
October 01, 2013

Selling Services vs Selling Info Products [New Webinar]

This Thursday, October 3rd I’m inviting you to a very special webinar with my friend Natasha Hazlett on “How To Turn A Few Leads Into Some Cheese”

You’ll learn about what is hands-down the fastest and most reliable way to quickly make money online: Selling services.

The coolest thing about this webinar is that you’re going to learn how to cash in on the underappreciated, lucrative online services economy even if you LITERALLY have no marketable skills to speak of.

This is a premium webinar and the cost to attend is $37.

Be there.

Even if you’ve never considered selling services before or you’re already making decent money online.

You’re going to get some cool ideas.

Go here to register for this special event:

So why would someone want to think about selling services online? And how does it compare to selling info products?

Well, there IS a little bit of a trade off.

Selling services isn’t quite as leveraged as selling info products.

You can sell 100 ebooks a lot faster and easier than you can sell 100 blog installation packages for example.

But that’s EXACTLY why selling services is so powerful, especially for beginners.

Services have a much higher perceived value than information products.

With a $300 informational product for example, you really have to put a lot of marketing into it to sell it and help people see the value.

Whereas people pay $300 for internet marketing services all day long without even batting an eyelash.

They don’t even think twice about whether having a blog setup for them for a few hundred bucks is worth it.

People are just more comfortable paying for services because it’s more personal and it’s more tangible.

Say they pay $700 for a 7 day email sequence written just for them.

They’ve received a very specific, measurable outcome or result for their money.

Info products can have a huge perceived value as well, but it’s a little different.

The outcome or results are more dependent on the CUSTOMER taking ACTION on the information they get.

And of course this varies from person to person so it’s harder to measure.

The “little guys” actually have an enormous advantage over the big “gooroos” because they’re not able to offer individual services the way smaller internet marketers can.

There’s simply no better way to get some money coming into your business quickly.

I’ve seen so many beginners do it, you’re just plain nuts if you’re struggling online and you don’t give it a try.

What’s that you say?

You don’t have any internet marketing skills or services worth selling?

Oh don’t worry, because we’re going to put an end to that problem for you on Thursday.

That excuse to not make money will be obliterated because Natasha is going to actually show you how to make money selling services even if you LITERALLY have no skills whatsoever to offer.

No kidding.

Look I always tell people straight up that you have to develop REAL skills (and not depend on systems) to attract customers to you.

But Natasha has actually figured out a totally legit “business hack” to temporarily get around that so you can start making money even before you develop any internet skills.

No cheesy systems included.

I’m thinking you need to know about this even if you don’t plan on using it (so that you can teach it to your downline)

Cost is $37.

And if you think it wasn’t worth it for any reason, you can get a complete refund.

Register here:

To Your Success,

Don Servais


P.S. You can learn more on how to effectively build your business by visiting my website. There are FREE eBooks that will help with the most important problem every business person runs into -- getting enough traffic to visit you.

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